By Jared Goodwin | Posted on June 14, 2017 11:09 AM
The 71st annual Tony Awards achieved poor ratings on CBS and the network has to consider what changes that they make to the show to improve ratings.
Low Viewership Proves Problematic For CBS at The Tony Awards

TV Viewer Ratings Consistently Underwhelm
One would think that Broadway’s biggest night would make a splash with TV viewers, but it barely even made a ripple, with a reported viewership rating of only 4.7 and only 0.9 for the key demographic of adults aged 18-49 for this year’s telecast. That works out to be an average of just six million viewers. Compared to the ratings for the Oscars, 32.9 million viewers for an overall rating of 22.4 and 9.1 for adults 18-49, these numbers are pretty dismal. The Tony’s could barely even compete with the preceding episode of the news magazine 60 Minutes, which garnered over 7.6 million viewers. This means that 1.6 million people actually switched off their TV when the Tony’s were broadcast. Sadly, it does not end there. The Tony awards show is behind nearly every other awards show, with even the Billboard Awards consistently performing better (8.6 million views this year). Why would CBS continue a production that costs millions of dollars to put on and has ratings that compare to the Daytime Emmy’s, which aren’t even broadcast on a major network? The answer is that they may well now be reconsidering their options, despite the cachet of the Tony’s.Hamilton Dominated 2016, Leaves 2017 Tony's Dry

Tony Awards Lack Surprise, Predictability Turns Off Audiences
In comparison, the morning after the Oscars, news outlets are buzzing. Everyone wants to hear about that celebrity that tripped, or that starlet who shined. With the Tony’s, there is none of this buzz. Most celebrities at the Tony’s are barely known outside the Broadway sphere. A theater medley sung mid-show by an established starlet with a legion of dedicated stans could help. Think Beyoncé singing Les Misérables- the move could boost ratings dramatically. For an awards show to truly soar, there need to be surprises that keep everyone talking, such as Kanye’s interruption of Taylor Swift at the VMAs, or La La Land’s mistaken Oscar “win”. Instead, the Tony’s read as predictable, formulaic. There’s no drama, no shock value. Everything goes according to plan during the Tony Awards - and maybe that’s a problem. It feels old.Duration Of Show Drags The Tony's Down
Another issue comes from the length of the show- it’s no secret that the Tony’s are long. This year’s Tony’s were over three hours long, which causes the show to drag on and bore viewers. A massive overhaul of the program would keep audiences listening, placing more emphasis on key moments such as performances instead of the ramblings of a host, and better yet, an overhaul of the Tony staff. A better choice would be a producer in the vein of Lorne Michaels, who knows how to get buzz for a live show and would bring in writers who could reinvent the Tony’s.CBS Must Decide Fate of Tony Awards Soon