By Jared Goodwin | Posted on August 22, 2017 11:11 AM
Rapper, celebrity, producer and actor 50 Cent, is taping his new BET show 50 Central in NYC and will join the late-night show family on September 27, 2017.

Challenge to Wild N' Out and Tales

50 Central Taping Information
BET has signed 50 Cent for 24 episodes for his first season of 50 Central and is currently filming the show at 106 and Park's old studio, Metropolis Studios, located at 105 East 106 St. The producers may be hoping for some of the good luck that 106 and Park may bring, despite the studio being less-than-stellar. 50 Central promises to be a "late night party" but the actual filmings are at 2 pm and 6 pm, giving way to claims of "fakeness" from the notoriously fickle audience. The studio audience members are actually being compensated $40 cash for 3.5 hours of film time that eventually turns to a 30 minute episode. Conversely, Nick Cannon's Wild N' Out taping takes over four hours to shoot and no one is paid. Cannon did, however, pay for the audience for the short-lived Wild N' Out Live TV show, but the audience at the main event of Wild N' Out are not paid and are subject to many hours of grueling taping, just to produce a paltry 30 min show, that ends up being just 22 minutes of actual filmed content after eight minutes of commercials are added. Nick Cannon has taken his show "on tour" charging audience members $30 - $139 to attend the non-taped 2 hour events, that are a great deal more fun than the four hour tiresome ordeals. It is easy to see that audience members would prefer to go to a 50 Central taping as they are paid to be there and the filming time is significantly shorter than Cannon's NYC taping borefest.
50 Cent's Previous Attempts at a TV Show
It seems like 50 Cent has been trying to get his variety show picked up for a while now. Back in March of 2016 there were rumors and even press releases stating that 50 Cent was to host a show called 50 Cent Presents on the A&E network. So much so that Elaine Frontain Bryant, head of A&E's programming, commented "Leaning into A&E's legacy in showcasing the arts, we're setting out to redefine the traditional variety show, 50 Cent is the perfect partner to refresh this classic format. He is a true taste maker across industries and we are excited to see his impressive showcase of talent." But as quickly as this show appeared on the radar it then disappeared. There was no further news about 50 Cent's variety show until April 27, 2017 when BET did its annual Upfront presentation for the 2017-2018 programming year where they announced 50 Central's 24 episode run.50 Central's Expected Show Ratings on BET
According to Nielsen, BET's TV ratings are now the lowest in years and it may have just become a marginalized cable TV network slipping away on life support, despite the recurrent steroid injections prescribed by would-be-doctors Debra Lee and Michael D. Armstrong, the chief executive and general manager at BET. The network is run out of Washington DC with a heavy management control approach that extends to its strategy of low-budget production and cost control measures. The channel makes a clear point of cutting out white viewers, which is a big majority of TV viewership that advertisers want to see to make the big bucks. The problem is, other networks are producing better TV shows for black viewers, leaving BET failing at its mission. BET may be hoping that 50 Cent's 50 Central will save their network, much like Nick Cannon did for MTV2, where he went on to become the no.1 TV show on that network and saved the day for the dying-on-the vine cable channel. 50 Cent is a talented artist, but Nick Cannon is an all-around entertainer, who took to TV like a duck to water, whereas 50 Cent, does not have the same skill set despite his on-screen presence, so it may be a big stretch for him to win over TV viewers. 50 Cent may also have become irrelevant in this age of Migos, Lil Yachty, Meek Mills and Chance the Rapper.50 Cent Rants on Social Media Could Pose a Problem